Tuesday, March 16, 2010


When we were small, we always dreamt of being big, so that we don’t have to ask anyone before binging on chocolate, so that we could also watch that midnight show, so that we could also go out in the big and beautiful outside world all by ourselves, with no one holding our hands and no one to guide us. All of the biggies in the house used to tell us that we are lucky that we are not grownups; it’s a lot easier and a more cheerful world that we were enjoying! I failed to understand this then and today is no different! I figured, it does not take the years for you to become big and anxious about every penny spent and every step taken, it’s about how much you want to grow. Some people just happen to have this glass through which they see everything in a much more complicated light. My world, however, is still of that little kid in which there are endless possibilities, it’s never too late to do anything and there’s nothing in this world that can’t be achieved, it’s just the amount of time taken and the hard work put in that differs depending on the job at hand! I won’t put it in a way, that, i don’t want to grow up but rather i just happen not to grow up. I see my friends, being hell bent on being big someday, running in the rat race, simply put, just being mechanical. I am not saying that being ambitious is a bad thing but being mechanical isn’t either the best of them all. Can you not think of life in simpler terms? Everything big and intricate is always based on the simpler patterns of design.........many simple things coming together make it look what it finally does! I couldn’t care less if people don’t approve of my ways, I couldn’t care less if they would call me a little crazy, I couldn’t care less if I remain a kid till I die!

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